Lecher Antenna research, training and books © 2025

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The Secret Energies at the Megalithic Sites -Measured with a Lecher Antenna, a sophisticated scientific dowsing instrumentThe Secret Energies at the Megalithic Sites -Measured with a Lecher Antenna, a sophisticated scientific dowsing instrumentThe Secret Energies at the Megalithic Sites -Measured with a Lecher Antenna, a sophisticated scientific dowsing instrumentThe Secret Energies at the Megalithic Sites -Measured with a Lecher Antenna, a sophisticated scientific dowsing instrumentThe Secret Energies at the Megalithic Sites -Measured with a Lecher Antenna, a sophisticated scientific dowsing instrument

The Secrets of the Energies at the Megaliths in Carnac and Brittany
Measured with the Lecher Antenna
ISBN 9789082802696


In “The Secrets of the Energies at the Megaliths in Carnac and Brittany—Measured with the Lecher Antenna—Sequel”, the author, Knight Anne-Marie Delmotte, takes the reader with her on her journey to the different places she visits during her more recent stay in Brittany. She conducts further research of the energies of the Megalithic Monuments and their interaction with those of the land and with each other. The new discoveries she makes give an even better insight into the energy configurations she was already able to unveil. But now, yet new mysteries are awaiting to be revealed...
A must read!
The interior of this book contains 40 photos and drawings in total.
This book is meant for those interested in the Megalithic Sites of Carnac and Brittany and those interested in more complex energy measurements with the Lecher antenna.

Book The Secrets of the Energies at the Megaliths in Carnac and Brittany - Measured with the Lecher Antenna - SequelBook The Secrets of the Energies at the Megaliths in Carnac and Brittany - Measured with the Lecher Antenna - SequelBook The Secrets of the Energies at the Megaliths in Carnac and Brittany - Measured with the Lecher Antenna - SequelBook The Secrets of the Energies at the Megaliths in Carnac and Brittany - Measured with the Lecher Antenna - SequelBook The Secrets of the Energies at the Megaliths in Carnac and Brittany - Measured with the Lecher Antenna - Sequel
Backcover book The Secrets of the Energies at the Megaliths in Carnac and Brittany - Measured with the Lecher Antenna - SequelBackcover book The Secrets of the Energies at the Megaliths in Carnac and Brittany - Measured with the Lecher Antenna - SequelBackcover book The Secrets of the Energies at the Megaliths in Carnac and Brittany - Measured with the Lecher Antenna - SequelBackcover book The Secrets of the Energies at the Megaliths in Carnac and Brittany - Measured with the Lecher Antenna - SequelBackcover book The Secrets of the Energies at the Megaliths in Carnac and Brittany - Measured with the Lecher Antenna - Sequel
Anne-Marie Delmotte Lecher antenna Instructor, Researcher and AuthorAnne-Marie Delmotte Lecher antenna Instructor, Researcher and AuthorAnne-Marie Delmotte Lecher antenna Instructor, Researcher and AuthorAnne-Marie Delmotte Lecher antenna Instructor, Researcher and AuthorAnne-Marie Delmotte Lecher antenna Instructor, Researcher and Author
Lecher antenna used by AM DelmotteLecher antenna used by AM DelmotteLecher antenna used by AM DelmotteLecher antenna used by AM DelmotteLecher antenna used by AM Delmotte