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Watch excerpt of measurement of the beneficial energies at the Quadrilatère/Quadrilateral of Manio in Carnac Brittany
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Signpost to the Holy Grail? Infinite Energy with Infinite Possiblities! Dowsed with the Lecher Antenna in Carnac and Brittany France
ISBN 9789082802634
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Available as Kindle, epub, lrf and online reader version.
For centuries people have been on a quest in search for the Holy Grail.
Nobody really knows what the Holy Grail is and whether it is an object or something immaterial.
Is the Standing Stone in the form of a hand with the index finger pointing up on the cover of this book left as a clue by the Ancients?
Maybe the Holy Grail is the very secret of the special energies of the Megalithic Monuments built as such to benefit all life for eternity.
In "Signpost to the Holy Grail? Infinite Energy with Infinite Possibilities! Dowsed with the Lecher Antenna in Carnac and Brittany France” the reader is taken on a magnificent journey with the author, Dame Anne-Marie Delmotte, which starts in Ireland from where she takes the ferry to Cherbourg in France, where she will compare the results of her energy research of the Megalithic Sites to those in Ireland. She commences with the largest Standing Stone in Brittany, the Champ Dolent Menhir, and gradually builds up her confidence to finally take on the challenge of finding an explanation for the famous Alignments of Standing Stones of Carnac.
On her journey she measures the majestic very large dolmen called Faeries’ Rock, Merlin’s Tomb in the Brocéliande Forest, half stone circles, rectangular arrangements of standing stones called quadrilatères and many other tumuli, cairns, dolmens, standing stones, … She has to conclude that the energy configuration she has put her house into in Ireland some months ago is similar to the special energies of the quadrilatères. An amazing find.
She also finds a firm and logical explanation for the location and the existence of these most beautiful structures built and left for us by our ancestors 4000 to 7000 years ago, and her measurements indicate that most of them are still fully functioning. She elaborates profoundly about the special energies produced by certain types of Megaliths which will definitely blow you away and wanting to visit and feel them for yourself. These special energies are primal energies which could be a source of limitless energy if harnessed, something Nikola Tesla seemed to already been capable of.
Infinite energy with infinite possibilities. A solution to all challenges we are currently facing? Is this the Holy Grail?
Cover photos:
Front cover:
The Erdeven Alignments. The standing stone which looks like a hand with the index finger pointing up which was never re-erected actually marks the very spot for what’s underneath it. The finger pointing up is also a clue to what exactly is right above it. The Holy Grail? Discover for yourself by reading this book.
Back cover above from left to right:
-The “grand menhir of Champ Dolent” or the “Tall Standing Stone of Champ Dolent” with the author, Dame Anne-Marie Delmotte, dowsing with the Lecher antenna in front of the Standing Stone.
-Equinox sunrise at the “Quadrilatère of Crucuno” near Carnac.
-Rock art on the orthostats in the “Cairn of Gavrinis” in the Bay of Morbihan.
Courtesy of Jean Louis Potier.
Back cover below:
The rising equinox full moon over the “petits menhirs du vieux moulin” or “Little Standing Stones of the Old Mill” near Carnac Brittany France.
All photographs by Dame Anne-Marie Delmotte unless specified otherwise.
Watch the spring equinox sunset at the Kerzerho alignments near Carnac Brittany and find out about its special energies